Destan Season 1 With English Subtitles

Watch Destan Season 1 Episode 8 With English Subtitles

Destan Season 1 Episode 8 With English Subtitles.

In the 8th century, a barbaric era began in Central Asia, where Islam had not yet been accepted. China is pointing its sharp teeth at the Turkish foot, and Russian Varangians, Mongols, Sogdians and Persians are waiting in its trap.

There is great enmity between the Gok Khanate and the Tau Khaganate, both of which are Turkish.

Destan Season 1 Episode 8 With English Subtitles.

He gathers his family and leaves for the West Sky Kaganah to ask for a girlfriend. A great danger awaits them on the road: Akyz, a mountain warrior who has been burning the fire of revenge since childhood!

Under these political conditions, Alpagu Khan, the great kagan of Gök Khanate, decided to take the daughter of his brother Balamir Yabgu, whom he suspected of being a bride for his disabled son Batuga.

He gathered his family and left for Western Sky Khaganate to ask for a daughter. Great danger awaits them on the road: the warriors of Mount Akkız, burned by the fire of revenge since childhood!


In the 8th century, the Forest Age reigned in Central Asia in territories that Islam had not yet accepted. China pointed its sharp teeth at the feet of the Turks, the Russians, the Varangians, the Mongols, the Socrates and the Persians waiting in the trap.

There is strong animosity between Gök Khanate and Mountain Khanate, both of whom are Turks.


Under these political conditions, Alpagu Khan, the great kagan of Gök Khanate, decided to take the daughter of his brother Balamir Yabgu, whom he suspected of being a bride for his disabled son Batuga.

He gathered his family and left for Western Sky Khaganate to ask for a daughter. Great danger awaits them on the road: the warriors of Mount Akkız, burned by the fire of revenge since childhood!


In the 8th century, the Forest Age reigned in Central Asia in territories that Islam had not yet accepted. China pointed its sharp teeth at the feet of the Turks, the Russians, the Varangians, the Mongols, the Socrates and the Persians waiting in the trap.

China pointed its sharp teeth at the feet of the Turks, the Russians, the Varangians, the Mongols, the Socrates and the Persians waiting in the trap.

As if that were not enough, the Turkish tribes of the same blood fell into conflict with each other. There is strong animosity between Gök Khanate and Mountain Khanate, both of whom are Turks.


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