Watch Destan Season 2 with English subtitles

Watch Destan Season 2 with English subtitles

Watch Destan Season 2 with English subtitles

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In the first part of the Destan Series; In the 8th century, Central Asia was ruled by a barbarian era, in countries that Islam had not yet accepted. China points to Turkish legs, Russian Varangians, Mongols, Sogdians, and Persians are waiting in the net. As if that wasn’t enough, Turkish tribes who call the same blood Atom have turned against each other. There is great animosity between the Gok Khanate and the Dag Khanate, both being Turks.

In these political circumstances, Alpagu Khan, the great Khan of the Gok Khanate, decides to take the daughter of his brother Balmir Yabagu, whom he suspects of rebellion, as a bride for his lame and lame son Batuga. He gathers his family and leaves for the Western Gok Khanate to ask for a girl. Great danger awaits them along the way: Akkis, the mountain warrior who has been burning with the fire of revenge since childhood!

In the third part of the epic, Akkiz, captured by Heaven, waits for Kolpan Han to pay the ransom decided by Gok Sarai and save her.

However, due to the trap set by Gok, the lives of Kolpan Han and the mountain captives are in danger.

Unaware that the archer who shot him is imprisoned in his palace, Alpagu Khan wakes up but hides it from everyone.

As he was dying, his brother Balamir and his sons Kaya and Temur had problems of state, which troubled Alpagu Khan.

The decisions made by Mountain Khan Kolpan Khan and Gok Khan Alpagu Khan tie an inextricable knot in the fate of Akkiz and Batuga.

Khans sharpened swords have bled the hearts of our two heroes this time?

Watch Destan Season 2 with English Subtitles

In the fourth part of the epic, Akkiz’s days of slavery in Gok Sarai begin.

Unwilling to be enslaved despite the imprint on her skin, Akkiz puts her plan into action by vowing to kill Alpagu Khan and escape from the Sky Palace.

Ulu Ese decided to make the mountain girls regret their birth, reminding them of the Kuma Hatun talisman.

As a result of one injustice after another, Akız finds himself in front of Temur Tegin.

Batuga, on the other hand, makes a desperate attempt to rescue Akkij from ulu throwing violence and kidnap her from the palace.

Despite the fire from his wound, Alpagu Khan returned to his throne and pursued the archer who tried to kill him.

Alpagu Han’s investigation gradually reached Saltuk and Kolpan and hence Akkiz.

In the fifth episode of the epic, Akkiz realizes who the double-headed wolf she swore was her paw when she was young.

He kneels before Batuga and shouts and greets him as the inn that unites mountain and sky.

Not only does Akkız find the purpose of his life, but he also gets a clue that Batuga’s mother is innocent.

Batuga and Akkiz follow this path together. Akkiz Alpagu manages to get Han’s attention and meet him with a game of batuga, but she must leave the palace and reach Kolpan Han to prove Talsim Hatun’s innocence.

An attempt to kill Alpagu Khan in his room in the palace leaves Akkiz dead. And that’s when he found his life’s purpose.

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